Hi, I'm Sisekelo!

I'm currently looking for a data analyst role where I can strengthen my skills in data visualisation and storytelling, particularly generating strategic and meaningful insights to support decision-making. A possibility to explore machine learning as the role progresses would be a plus. 

About Me

I'm a data analyst with a passion for storytelling. 

  • I have working experience in HR, Sales, and Marketing.

  • I have research experience in business, economics, and linguistics.

  • Working with different types of data has been integral in all my work experiences and personal research projects. 

I recently completed a 7-month Data Science bootcamp:

  • Initial focus on data collection, analysis, and visualisation

  • Built machine learning models for company projects with Immoweb, Orange, Accenture.

  • My most significant learning, beyond these projects, was exploring the isiNdebele language NLP pipeline

Aside my technology interests, I am an avid reader and creative.

  • I particularly love reading about history, economics, culture and sometimes, self-development.

  • Hobbies include public speaking 

  • I am finalising my first book,  "My Identity, My Dreams," which is an autobiographical exploration of identity

My Work

NLP Pipeline for isiNdebele - a low-resource language
Machine Learning Modeling | Company project (Orange)


Developing Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques tailored specifically for the isiNdebele language:

  • Utilized a range of NLP methodologies including text scraping, data cleaning, language modeling, and semantic analysis to transform raw isiNdebele text data into actionable insights.

  • Tools used: Python, BeautifulSoup, Sci-kit learn

  • Wine Market Data Analysis: Analyzed wine market trends and patterns, extracting actionable insights to guide marketing and sales strategies.

  • Tools used: Tableau, SQL

Tableau analysis | Company project (Accenture)

Developed a subscription plan recommender system using advanced machine learning techniques, achieving an accuracy of 80.9% on unseen data.

  • Conducted thorough exploratory data analysis (EDA) and feature engineering, uncovering key insights and optimizing model performance with PyCaret and XGBoost.

  • Tools used: Python, Sci-kit learn, Pycaret

Technical skills

Sci-kit learn

© 2024 Sisekelo Sinyolo